The People of Indonesia

Hello! My name is Zohaib Shahid and I will be discussing the people of Indonesia and their characteristics.

Now primarily, inhabitants of Indonesia are known as Indonesians. The majority of the nation practices one of the three major world religions such as; Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and many more.

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What Do They Do?

Indonesians tend to do the same things any other individual would do in any other foreign nation. They have the same living procedures as we do here in the US such as working, taking care of family, and practicing their religion. Indonesians have the curiosity to learn about their visitors and foreigners.

What Are They Like?

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According to a research article by the Central Statistics Agency or BPS, it said the people of Indonesia are quite happy. The people are proud and enjoy their patriotism and optimism for their country. These characteristics are a great cause of tourist attractions as people from all over the world visit the nation. If you are someone who is visiting the country, you would feel a sense of salutation and secureness and it is great understanding that outsiders are always welcome.

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Indonesians are primarily educated, self-absorbed, and overall, just good and gregarious people to be with. The people will continue to spread these key features and qualities that show their good being and wealth towards their virtue. One day these features will show Indonesia as a developed country. They are not only at home but native Indonesians all over the world!

I highly recommend sharing and utilizing the features that the people use that make them known as Indonesians.

Thank you for reading my final blog post, discussing everything you need to understand before considering to visit or learn something about this extraordinary country.

Zohaib Shahid.

The People of Indonesia

Hello! My name is Zohaib Shahid and I will be discussing the people of Indonesia and their characteristics.

Now primarily, inhabitants of Indonesia are known as Indonesians. The majority of the nation practices one of the three major world religions such as; Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and many more.

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What Do They Do?

Indonesians tend to do the same things any other individual would do in any other foreign nation. They have the same living procedures as we do here in the US such as working, taking care of family, and practicing their religion. Indonesians have the curiosity to learn about their visitors and foreigners.

What Are They Like?

Image result for people of indonesia happy

According to a research article by the Central Statistics Agency or BPS, it said the people of Indonesia are quite happy. The people are proud and enjoy their patriotism and optimism for their country. These characteristics are a great cause of tourist attractions as people from all over the world visit the nation. If you are someone who is visiting the country, you would feel a sense of salutation and secureness and it is great understanding that outsiders are always welcome.

Image result for people of indonesia happy

Indonesians are primarily educated, self-absorbed, and overall, just good and gregarious people to be with. The people will continue to spread these key features and qualities that show their good being and wealth towards their virtue. One day these features will show Indonesia as a developed country. They are not only at home but native Indonesians all over the world!

I highly recommend sharing and utilizing the features that the people use that make them known as Indonesians.

Thank you for reading my final blog post, discussing everything you need to understand before considering to visit or learn something about this extraordinary country.

Zohaib Shahid.


Current Issues of Indonesia


Hello! My name is Zohaib Shahid and I will be discussing the current issues of Indonesia and the outcome of it.


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The devastating wildfires have been affecting the environments of Indonesia by eradicating its plants and wildlife. The situation has gotten so bad during the summer that the government had declared a state of emergency. According to scientists, these wildfires are caused by climate change during the El Nino time period. This period occurs once a year during summer and early fall from June-October when global changes occur with rainfall and temperature. The sea levels rise in temperature causing the environment to also change drastically. The dry conditions have caused environmental crises throughout the years and each year it seems to get drier. As of right now, there are no easy solutions as deforestation and logging are also other difficult problems to overcome.

Oil Spills


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Recently, an accidental oil spill in the province of East Kalimantan around Borneo island has eradicated many of Indonesia’s rich fisheries and has been damaging the ocean’s environment and it’s mammals. This event is also causing the damage to Indonesia’s economy as the government is paying more for the renovation of the ocean and fisheries. Because of this, a declared state of emergency had also been brought to this issue. Environmental groups such as Greenspace and authorities have stated that the handling of the oil spill is slow due to the lack of equipment resources. In addition to this, volunteers consisting of the military and members of the local and business communities have been working for days, trying to clean up the oil from the coastal areas.


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Poverty in Indonesia has not been at it’s worst to this day due to the enormous gains of poverty reduction since 1999, but still, about 28 million Indonesians still live below the poverty line. Poverty is also one reason why Indonesia is considered to be a sub-developed country. The government has been trying to break the ongoing poverty cycle as poor families don’t have the access to food, shelter, and education. Even though Indonesia has the largest economy in SouthEast Asia, the 28 million people don’t seem to bring a clear message for Indonesia as a developing country.

Amazing Attractions of Indonesia

Hello! My name is Zohaib and I will be confabulating with you about some beautiful attractions of Indonesia which I guarantee are worth scrutinizing.


Image result for tanah lotTanah Lot

Here is an image of the ancient Tanah Lot. The Tanah Lot is a Balinese temple, home to the ancient Hindu pilgrimage temple, Pura Tanah Lot. The beautiful scenery provides a great place offering vistas and a cultural icon for photography. This beautiful attraction provides the best source of tranquility if you are someone who is looking forward to experience and visualize something new. So go ahead and book yourself a tour visit because, during Spring and Summer time, the crystal clear waters and the serene wind is what an excursion needs.

Borobudur Temple

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As I mentioned in my first blog, the ancient Borobudur Temple is the largest Buddhist temple in the world. Built by ancient settlers from the 9th century, this outstanding remnant of religion and history consists of nine stacked platforms, six square and three circulars, topped by a central dome. As you examine this place intently, you understand why Indonesia was and still is an icon of religion and ethnic diversity.

Universal Studios of Indonesia

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If you are looking for a place of entertainment and family time, this location provides all of it. This attraction includes movie amusement parks and rides with a set theme of Hollywood. The family-friendly environment completely supplements the standards of the location.

There are obviously many more beautiful attractions of this country, but I am sharing my favorite and highly recommended locations to visit.

Thank you for reading this blog post and I hope you consider visiting these locations.

Zohaib Shahid.



A Journey through Indonesia


Thanks for joining me, my name is Zohaib Shahid and this is my blog post!

Indonesia is full of many archipelagoes that make up thousands of islands with about a population of 261.1 million. The name derives from the Latin and Greek Indus meaning “Island” so you can tell what the coincidence is there.

This nation is full of diversity with the majority of its inhabitants as Muslims. The cultural and living standards are what very similar to the American standards, involving a multitude of religions such as Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Christianity. With full support from its strong ally, The United States, the economy seems to be doing very well as it does have the largest in SouthEast Asia. Currently, the nation is one of the emerging market economies in the world as it ranks sixteenth in the world.

Amazing Exploration


Indonesia provides astonishing sights of its ancient culture such as the iconic Buddhist Borobudur temple. Other attractions also include ancient Hindu kingdoms which were built by the first settlers of Indonesia. If you are someone who wants to practice their religion in a place full of it, you must settle here.

Why Visit?

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Like I mentioned before; religion, equality, and many attractions are what make Indonesia a developing country. I am writing this blog post to ensure you that this is a country to visit. If you are considering visiting, I highly recommend coming around May-September, during warm and sunny weather.

Thank you for reading my blog post and I hope you have learned something new about this extraordinary country.

Zohaib Shahid.